Friday, October 21, 2005

Morning Sickness Cures

Since feeling nauseous, I decided to do a bit of net research, and share with you some of the recommendations I have found to help combat morning sickness from other pregnant ladies (Thanks you Handbag luvvies ;)).

  • Eat little and often
  • Take Boots 'Mum To Be' vitamins
  • Eating ginger biscuits
  • Eating Soft Mints / something minty
  • Eating dry water biscuits
  • Sweet sugary tea before getting out of bed or within 10 mins of getting out of bed
  • Eat within 10 minutes of waking
  • Keep dry crackers next to bed so you can eat before moving
  • Sniffing lemons
  • Set alarm for every 3 hours throughout the night to eat a dry biscuit (helps not having an empty stomach upon waking)
  • Eating a few Sugar Puffs 15 mins before getting out of bed
  • Anti-sickness hypnosis tape
  • Sleep
  • Wear Sea Bands
  • Hot water with a slice of lemon first thing in the morning
  • Suck on boiled sweets
  • Eat dry / slightly buttered toast first thing in the morning whether you fancy it or not
  • Suck on crystalised ginger (put in sandwich if it's too strong)
  • Get some Magnesium Tralanate from the doctor
  • Drink lemon & ginger tea

So, these are what I'm going to try now!

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