Friday, October 21, 2005


Ergh, I've started feeling the nausea more now, and it's horrid. I've had to take the seabands off when I'm at work, otherwise people will start to twig! I went out for lunch with clients for a massive lunch, and I did feel better once I'd eaten, but sick from the amount of food I'd eaten!

My Mum had to go to Hennes to get some clothes for my sister, so I had a peek at the baby clothes, and they had little Ramones and Motorhead t-shirts, they were so sweet, but I really need to hold off buying things for a while, well at least until after our first scan.

Mum also said once we have our place, she's going to re-do my room, put a cot in there and whenever we want to stay we can, and on the weekends she can look after bubba while we go out if we want to, which is nice as if we're moving to SE, I will need a chance to see my friends from N London too!

When Jack picked me up we went and bought some Ginger Biscuits because ginger's meant to help the sickness, and I bought a box of Roses because I like having something a little bit sweet in the evenings, and I thought one tiny choc won't do too much (after all I am allowed an extra 200 calories a day!!).

We had a chat with his Mum and Sister, and spoke about names... we can't think of any for a boy yet! I think a baby name book will have to go on our xmas list!

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