Saturday, December 31, 2005


Yesterday, we went to Bluewater - it was ram-jam! Didn't really think it through properly, but then again EVERYWHERE is busy in the xmas holidays. We were going to go to the cinema but the queues were so long, we decided against that, then went into Santa Fe for some lunch. While we were choosing what we wanted, I felt something inside me, on the left hand side & below my belly button, like tiny little bubbles, very light - they kept coming for a few minutes on and off then went and came back again a bit later on in the meal. I have thought in the week that I have felt flutters but I didn't know if I was imagining them, but this was definitely real! Woohoo!

We had a look in a few shops, and popped into H&M, they had the maternity section in there, I found one at last! They had a few nice things and I got a nice warm brown cardie and a smart black top. The cardigan had one of its buttons coming off so they gave me £5 off, result!

For ages I have been fancying Krispy Kreme doughnuts so I bought a dozen, they are now all gone! I don't know how many I had but I reckon it was about 7 (shhh!)

We went to visit little baby Charlie again today, 3 weeks old today, he's such a sweetie. Our baby did some more bubbles too! I love it!

We had a look through the baby name book again for inspiration for a boys name, Jack's Mum came up with Dennis today. Yum!

Gotta go to get ready for NYE! Byeeeeeeeeeeeee x

Thursday, December 29, 2005

16 Weeks Pregnant

Wowie, I really can't believe we've hit the 16 week mark. 4 months. It feels like yesterday I got the positive result!

Here are my bum pics for this morning - excuse the PJs!

 says this about week 16... "You may not know it when it happens, but your tiny tenant frequently gets the hiccups, which babies master before breathing. Babies don't make any sound because their trachea is filled with fluid rather than air.
Although you've probably gained between 5 and 10 pounds / 2.2 - 4.5 kilograms, the fetus weighs in at around only 5.5 ounces / 156 grams. It measures approximately a little more than 4.5 inches / 11 centimetres long, crown to rump. Legs are growing longer than the arms now, fingernails are fully formed and all the joints and limbs can move. You may be able to find out the sex of your baby by ultrasound now, since the external genitals may be developed enough that the ultrasound technician can tell you if you're going to have a boy or a girl.
If the idea of having a baby seems so remote, nothing makes it feel more real than feeling your baby move for the first time. Most mums-to-be discern movement (called quickening) between 16 and 20 weeks. If you've been pregnant before, you'll feel things earlier rather than later. What you may first think is a rumbling stomach may be your baby doing some back flips. Make note of when you first start feeling the baby and tell your midwife at your next visit. This middle stage of pregnancy is a good time to start exercising."

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

First Midwife Appointment

We've had a lovely Christmas, and had the excitement of the midwife's visit to keep us on our toes.

She came round this morning, through the snow, and stayed for about an hour. She was a very nice lady and everything went very well.

Firstly, we went through my maternity notes - talking about family history, if we smoked, did drugs etc etc - anything they may need to know which may affect the baby or the labour. She then spoke to us about antenatal classes and showed us what Barnet has to offer on the NHS. I asked her if the NCT ones were worth doing and she said they were good and they had smaller classes and can be more thorough. The leaflet she gave us said the NHS course lasts 3-4 weeks, but the NCT ones last 8-10 weeks so you must get told more information.

She then told us about the triple test which is the blood test you have which tests to see your risks of having a baby with downs syndrome or spinda bifida. This test has to be done at 16-18 weeks, and as I'm in the 15th week at the moment she has asked me to go to the hospital next week to have that done. She took 3 other vials of blood to test for Rubella, Hep B etc, and a urine sample to test for protien and sugars which were fine, she's going to send the sample away too to check for any infections.

Once she'd done all the horrid things she got me to lay down and she tried to listen for the baby's heartbeat. She felt my tummy first and found where the baby is, she said it's very big and grown a lot since my first scan. She then put the doppler on my tummy and within a few seconds she'd found the baby's heartbeat - it was very fast and loud - she said it was very good and powerful. She kept it there for about a minute which was lovely for us to hear.

She also took my blood pressure, and Jack asked to have his done too because he's never had it done before! We both have very good blood pressure according to her. She gave me all the information I need to contact her or any of the other 4 midwives on her team - I have their pager number and general number if I have any queries or emergencies. She's also going to book me in with the consultant for 20 weeks, and has asked me to make an appointment with the midwife at the surgery for in 4 weeks, which is also at 20 weeks. I also have my scan at 20 weeks, so a very busy week that week!

Saturday, December 24, 2005


Yesterday I went shopping and popped into Dorothy Perkins - they had a little maternity section there, and I bought some black combat trousers and a nice greyish V neck & back top with a bump panel. How exciting!

Just as I was about to get back to the car, the midwife called me on my mobile to say that there would be someone coming round on Tuesday... yes... THIS Tuesday! to give me my first midwife's appointment. I'm so pleased, plus it means that Jack will also be here and can join in with it too.

We've just finished wrappping the presents, and I'm listening to 'Hello Children Everywhere', a CD I bought in preparation for the baby - it's got all the tunes I remember from my childhood on it, it's great!

Thursday, December 22, 2005

15 Weeks Pregnant

Today marks the big 1-5 weeks! I'm feeling pretty good - no more nausea, getting bursts of energy every once in a while, and I keep waking up just before my alarm goes off feeling very awake, so it's all good! Only thing I wish I could change is my spotty face, back and chest. I've bought a Lemslip Butter Bar from Lush because it's meant to be good, so I will have to let you know how I get on with that.

I've been wearing my new maternity bras, they are SO high up in the chest and under the armpits - they kind of limit what tops you can wear! I've had a look about on the net but few places seem to do a DD, and lot's of the bras in the 'maternity' ranges are actual nursing bras which I don't need quite yet!

I went out this morning and had a look in Topshop Maternity for anything I might be able to wear this xmas - nada. Then, walking past Jane Norman I saw a lovely aqua/teal jumper dress so I bought that which I can wear with jeans and some gold sandals and accessories. I can't believe xmas is only 3 days away, it doesn't feel xmassey yet! It's the last day of work now until 3rd January - bliss!

Other changes are the bump is a bump at all times now! Before, it used to get bigger at the end of the day - but now it's big all the time. Here are my 15 weeks pics (taken yesterday evening)
Babycentre has this to say about week 15... "Crown to rump, your baby is around 4 inches / 10 centimetres long and weighs one-and-three-quarter ounces / 49 grams. The body is now growing faster than the head. This week, its parchment-thin skin covers itself with lanugo (ultra-fine, downy hair that usually disappears before birth). Though eyebrows are beginning to grow and the hair on top of the head is sprouting, this hair may change in both texture and colour after birth. About now, the fetus can grasp, squint, frown, and grimace. It may even be able to suck its thumb. Researchers believe these and other movements probably correspond to the development of impulses in the brain."

Monday, December 19, 2005

Huge Boobies

I thought my breasts hadn't really grown since being pregnant, but knew that I needed to move to non-wired maternity support bras, so braved the nightmare that is Oxford Street, and went to Debenhams for a fitting. I couldn't believe it, I have gone from 34C - 36DD! I bought a white and a black bra, both exactly the same and both extremely unsexy!

The 4 Pregnancies of Xmas

On Friday night, we went out for one of Jacks friends birthdays. All the usual boys were there with their girlfriends, and everyone commented on the little bump and said I was showing! I lurve my bump! Another of the girls is one month further along than me so it was nice chatting to her to see how she was feeling and if she'd felt the baby yet (she had).

Then Saturday we went to visit tiny little baby Charlie - he is SOOOOOOOO sweet, so tiny and cute and he looks like both his parents so much! I had a little hold and he was just a little sweetheart and slept while he held onto one of my fingers. Then Jack had a little snuggle and loved it too, I'm so glad we're having one!

Saturday night I had my xmas meal with the girlies, and another of the girls is due 2 days before me - she rolled up to the resteraunt with a flat stomach! I couldn't believe it! I felt like such a fatty! But once we'd eaten it bulged out a bit, so it's all good! At least I can get a seat on the train ;) One of my other friends bought me a lovely jumper dress for xmas, which Im wearing as a jumper today, it has good coverage!

Im looking forward to this week very much! Only four days of work then off off off for xmas - it's gone so quickly I can't believe that this time next year we will have a little baby!

Friday, December 16, 2005

Waste of Time

Yesterday was a complete waste of time. I trundled off to the GPs, all excited about seeing a midwife and finding out more about the bubba, and ended up waiting 45 mins in the waiting room.

I then went through and met the midwife, she was lovely. Basically, when I rang up the doctors on Tuesday to ask when my appointment would be, they said "come in Thursday", when really the Thursday appointments are for ladies further along in their pregnancies, and are only 15 min slots. So I was told I would get a call in a few weeks to arrange my booking in appointment, which is the first appointment you have, and the midwife will come to my house to do that.

I got home and cried and cried! I'm very emotional at the moment anyway, and expecting something then getting nothing was very disappointing.

Roll on 3 weeks then!

Thursday, December 15, 2005

14 Weeks Pregnant

Today, I am 14 weeks. Off to see the midwife at midday, which is lurverly having the morning at home!

Here are my bump pics

Getting bigger!

Babycentre for this week says... The fetus is now 3 to 4 inches / 7 to 10 centimetres long from crown to rump and weighs about an ounce / 28 grams — about half a banana. Its unique fingerprints are already in place. And when you poke your stomach gently and she feels it, your baby will start rooting — that is, act as if she's searching for a nipple.
If you're having a girl, she now has approximately 2 million eggs in her ovaries; she will have only a million by the time she's born. She'll have fewer eggs as she gets older, and by age 17, the number will have dropped to 200,000.

As for you, the fog may be lifting, so to speak. For many women, the side effects of early pregnancy — frequent urination, intense fatigue, nausea — diminish sometime in the second trimester. Your uterus, while large enough to announce to onlookers that you're indeed pregnant, isn't so huge that it gets in your way. Even though birth is months away, your breasts may already start making colostrum, the fluid that will feed your baby for the first few days before your milk comes in.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Midwife Appointment

I rang the doc's to chase up my Midwife Appointment, and I have one this Thursday! Woooohoooooooooooooooooooooooo

Hello Charlie!

I've just realised that I'm not posting here much, apart from the bump pics and babycentre stuff about what is happening that week - and that I really must stop!

I think its just because theres not much happening to tell about. I still haven't been contacted with a midwife appointment, which I'm starting to worry about, but not overly so. Some of the Handbag ladies will be having their 2nd midwife appointment at 16 weeks, and I'm almost 14 weeks and haven't even had one! I think it's silly giving you one so late - the beginning is when you need to know what you can and can't eat, the reassurance regarding the feelings etc.

Saturday night we were meant to be going out with our friends who have a baby due on xmas day (eek!). We got a call on Saturday morning to say that she'd had a show, so the baby could be arriving within the next week, so they were going to stay in instead. Sunday morning, I awoke with a text message from her saying that she'd had him at 11.30 that night! Welcome to the world Charlie! It's so exciting and I can't wait to see him! Jack and I went to Mothercare to look for a pressie for him but we weren't overly impressed. I spotted a little snuglo 'Action Man' knotted hat yesterday though, and I know Jack loves the snuglo stuff too, so whipped that up!

Thursday, December 08, 2005

13 Weeks Pregnant

Today, we hit the 13 week mark - officially into the 2nd trimester, and out of the worrying part. More and more people know now, it feels strange knowing we've had to have kept it a secret for so long, to be able to tell it!

This week has been good - I've had really bad headaches which I saw the doctor about, he said I could take nothing but Paracetemol. That doesn't really have an effect on me, so I bought a stick of 4head, which is a natural headache remedy, and that seems to have done the trick. My skins gone bad too - he's given me something for that and said that it should clear up with the hormones, and also that my midwife letter has come out (yay)! Other than that, I've been feeling good which is great, just still tired and hungry all the time!

Here's my weekly bump snap, just taken with my new mobile (check ME out!)

Babycentre says this about week 13...

"Your baby's face is beginning to look more human, even though she is only about 3 inches/ 7.5 centimetres long from her crown to her rump and weighs slightly more than half an ounce/ 14 grams. The eyes, which started out on the sides of the head, have moved closer together. The ears are almost in their normal position on the side of the head. The liver is making bile and the kidneys are secreting urine in the bladder.

The fetus squirms if your abdomen is prodded, although you cannot yet feel movement. Fetal nerve cells have been multiplying rapidly and synapses (neurological connections in your brain) are forming. The fetus has acquired more reflexes: touching the palms makes the fingers close, touching the soles of the feet makes the toes curl down and touching the eyelids makes the eye muscles clench.

Your midwife can now feel the top of the uterus, also known as the fundus, low in the abdomen. As you enter the second trimester, you may find yourself donning looser, less restrictive clothing. Soon you won't be able to fit into your regular clothes any more.
You may now find that once the 'sickness' feeling has passed, your appetite returns."

Friday, December 02, 2005

Dating Scan

Yesterday morning, we went for our first scan. I hardly slept through excitement, and I kept waking up having dreamt that we'd slept through our alarm and missed the appointment!

I was told to have a full bladder when I went, and just before we left, I weed! I totally forgot! Ooops! Anyway, I drank a big bottle of water hoping to top up my levels, and we left half an hour early to make sure we gave ourselves enough time.

We arrived at the hospital with 25 minutes to spare, but drove round the car park looking for a space for about 15 mins! We finally found one, parked up, then realised we were in the Staff Parking bit! In the end we drove back out and parked on the roadside and walked back with a few minutes to spare.

When I checked in at reception, I was given a big pile of things - a Bounty Pack which had lots of leaflets in and a little pregnancy booklet, a big book about pregnancy, and a big book which will hold all my Maternity Records. I think I have to take it to every appointment with me now but I wasn't told anything.

We waited for about 5 mins, when a lady called us through to the room where I was to be scanned. Jack sat at the end of a bed, and I was told to get on the scales and weigh myself, which I did, then got on the bed. The screen was to the right of me, and totally facing in the opposite direction so I couldn't see a thing.

She put some gel on my stomach, and said that first of all she was going to check for a heartbeat, check how many babies were in there, and measure it. Jack was sitting by my feet, so he could see the screen - I tried to have a look but got told off because it made my stomach muscles tense. I also got told off for having an empty bladder, even though I felt like I was about to wet myself! She said she could see a single baby in ther (phew!) and could see a heartbeat. She measured and said she was getting a reading of 11 weeks and 3 days, but also said that my dates were accurate so stick to them.

The whole time this was going on, Jack could see the bubs, and all I had to go on was his reaction. He was laughing! Not laughing, but you know when someone's smiling SO hard that it makes them kinda make a laugh noise? It was that, and that alone made me smile and happy. I was then finally allowed to have a look - she did a close up on the heartbeat, fluttering away, and showed me all the body parts which all seem to be in tact. She zoomed out to take the pic, but I still love it!

We bought 5 copies of the scan for £2 each and she gave us some little paper frames to put them in. Jack and I have kept one each, given one to each sets of parents, and I've sent the other to my Grandad. We can't stop looking at it! My mum thinks she can see a willy! We can clearly see a head, body, arm, leg, foot and umbillical cord in the pic... here it is....

We made our next scan appointment for 26th January, and went off to work as proud Mummy & Daddy!

Wednesday, November 30, 2005


The scan is now only one day away, we are SO excited!

I came home early for the past 2 night because I'd been feeling rough - I have had a mega headache and have been feeling very sick. I'm having the day off today just to relax and try to get better. Maybe I'm just getting myself worked up because Im excited about the scan... I hope I'm not getting ill... I don't know how I'd cope without being allowed to take anything!

I took another bump pic... this is me last night at 11 weeks, 5 days. I think I'm having a triangle!

Thursday, November 24, 2005

11 Weeks Pregnant

1 week until the scan!

Here's an 11 week bump pic, just taken with my phone at work. says for week 11... "Your baby will double in size in the next three weeks. He or she is now swallowing and kicking, and all the major organs are fully developed. More minute details are appearing too, like fingernails and peach-fuzz hair. The external sex organs are beginning to show and in a few weeks they will be developed enough to tell whether you're going to have a boy or a girl. The fetus is only about 2 to 3 inches / 5 to 7 centimetres long from crown to rump and weighs less than half an ounce / 14 grams. Even so, it's busily swallowing and kicking. Each day more minute details start to appear, such as fingernails and peach-fuzzy hair. The vital organs — the liver, kidneys, intestines, brain, and lungs — are fully formed and functional, while the head is almost half the length of the entire body. The forehead temporarily bulges and sits high on the head, but later will change into a more human-like feature. If you could take a look at your baby this week, you'd be able to see the clear outline of his spine. Spinal nerves stretch out from the spinal cord.
Your uterus is now the size of a grapefruit. With the help of a Doppler, a hand-held soundwave stethoscope, you can hear the fetus's rapid heartbeat — one expectant mother likened it to the sound of tiny horses galloping."

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Maternity Clothes

This week I have searched for nice maternity wear. What I really want is a couple of jumpers - something that can keep me warm without riding up the bump! So I went to H&M in Oxford Street - no maternity section. Next Oxford St - no maternity section. I couldn't believe it - only 4 London H&M's stock their maternity range.

Anyway, yesterday I went to Topshop Oxford Circus, where they now actually have a whole seperate floor for their maternity stuff which I was very impressed with, it's very calm up there! They had no jumpers, but I did get two lovely pairs of jeans - Mooch & Duke. Mooch are baggy in the leg, and Duke are tight on the leg, so could wear a nice top with them and wear them out-out too. I got a plain white t-shirt which is long and tight (all my other tops ride!), and it does accentuate my bump I think! I also got a white tube top which is like a book tube but you wear it on your tummy under a normal t-shirt so it looks like you've just got a white top on underneath, giving a layered look. Very handy, and only £5!

On the the tube on the way home, I had to go one stop, so was standing up... there was a lady with a big bag, and it was getting kinda cramped, a man noticed and said "be careful, I think this lady's pregnant"! So she got out of my way. He had his iPod on, so he shouted it, but it made me smile that a stranger had noticed my lickle prawn!

Oooh I nearly forgot, we got "Cool Names For Babies" the book on the weekend, everything was a bit too cool though or horrid! Like Snoop Dogg, Margaret etc etc. We're sorted for a girl, but a boy is what we're having trouble with. I suppose we have long enough to think!

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

10 Weeks Pregnant

Again, I'm 2 hours away from the big 1-0, but again, can't wait until the morning, so here is a current bump pic...

This week, according to "Your baby weighs under 10g — a fraction of an ounce — but is poised for rapid growth. All the body parts are now present, including arms, legs, eyes, genitals and other organs, though they're not yet fully formed. At week's end, your fetus measures approximately 1.5 inches / 3.5 centimetres long. In both shape and size, it resembles a peapod and weighs about a third of an ounce / 9 grams. The eyelids are fused and won't open until week 27. The wrists are more developed, ankles have formed, and the fingers and toes are clearly visible. Arms are growing longer and bend at the elbows. By week's end, the inner workings of the ears are complete. Though you can't yet identify the sex of the fetus by ultrasound, its genitals have begun to form. By now the placenta has developed enough to support most of the critical job of producing hormones."

PLUS... now only 2 weeks until the scan! (How slow do you wanna reckon that will go!?)

Monday, November 14, 2005


I had a Jack and germ-free weekend, which was very boring! It's rubbish doing nothing by yourself!

Saturday I stayed in bed all day, and tidied up a bit. In the evening I went round to my friends house and got a take away and sat thinking of names.

Yesterday I heaved while I was eating my breakfast. It was discusting! We went out for a family lunch, I came home and felt so rough I had a bath and put myself to bed.

This morning I had to sit next to the bowl of the toilet for a while because I kept heaving, my eyes kept watering and I thought I was going to hurl any second. Luckily my Mum was there and heard me so bought me some dry cream crackers to nibble on. Yum.

Jack's coming round to stay with me for a few days until his house is completely clean again, so that's something nice to look forward to!

Saturday, November 12, 2005


Mum and I went out for a Chinese after work and had a good long chat about everything - I feel very happy and content and I know she is very pleased for me.

When we got in, I noticed an NHS envelope... tore it open, and it was the letter telling us of our first scan... Thursday 1st December! Although we knew we would be getting a dating scan, just having a date to look forward to is amazing! And it's not too far away either... WOOHOO!

Friday, November 11, 2005

9 Weeks cont...

In the 9th week (as I am now), says... "The tiny tail is disappearing and so many changes have taken place that your baby has changed from an embryo and is now officially a fetus. This is the critical stage when your baby's organs are forming. The baby is now constantly moving and shifting, though you won't be able to feel anything for several weeks. The arms have grown and the hands are now flexed at the wrists and meet over the heart. The legs are lengthening and the feet may be long enough to meet in front of the body."

I stayed at home again last night - Jack's Mum, and now Jack's sister have the sickness bug, I don't want to risk getting it and doing any damage. Hopefully Jack won't have picked up any of the germs so can come stay with me in my germ-free home!

Mum told me she's secured me a babyseat and pushchair from a friend of hers (yes, although we told them not to tell anyone, our parents seem to have told EVERYONE!) I'm surprised there hasn't been an ad in the local paper at the rate they're going!

We booked tickets to see Little Britain Live next November, someone's going to have to babysit! Our first babysitting favour to be asked, how exciting!

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

9 Weeks Pregnant

Well I know I'm 2.5 hours off the 'actual' 9 week mark, but just took a bump pic and had to post it up (won't have time in the morning)!

I've just noticed how much I've grown since the 7 week bump pic!

Proud of Daddy

Yesterday I managed to get through to a human at the Ante Natal Unit. My doctor had told me I'd be getting a Midwife appointment at 10 weeks, and a scan at 12. The lady at the AN Unit said that I get a scan at 12-15 weeks and a Midwife appointment after that. Very confusing. Anyway, I gave her my details and she said she could see me in her system so a letter should be coming out by the end of this week regarding my scan. Woooohooooo! I can't wait until I have a date for my scan!

I was sooooo tired yesterday, and I ended up working until 7.30 - the worst day that I could have worked late seeing how tired I was! I had to go to the loos to have a little cry about it! All day I had been looking forward to getting home, having dinner, watching Eastenders, having a bath and getting in bed.

I'm very proud of Jack - he didn't smoke at all today. Nada, nought. He said he keeps fancying one, but then thinking of me and the baby and that's over-riding his feelings. He's smoked 20 a day for over 10 years, so I really hope he manages to quit. I've told him if he lasts for a week I will treat him. Argh I don't know to what though!

I'm going home tonight, so I will be able to get a bump pic for 9 weeks. See ya tomorrow!

Tuesday, November 08, 2005


I'm back into my 5-meals-a-day-stage now YUM! If I don't eat I feel empty so I have to give my body what it's asking for.

Jack's dad was sick in the night last night - the bathroom is next to our bedroom, so I heard everything, felt so much sicker, and couldn't sleep after that. Well I did, then the bin men came, oh joy! So I'm not the happiest of campers today.

On the good side, I have the right extension number for the antenatal department that I need to talk to to chase my midwife appointment. The bad side is they are constantly engaged, but I'm on the right track now at least.

Monday, November 07, 2005


The weekend was lovely - did nothing on Friday night but relax with a takeaway and the tv. Saturday we went to look round some houses, and abslutely fell in L-O-V-E with one of them. Went out on Saturday night to a friend's birthday (very smoky pub) - I felt like I'd been smoking in the morning! Yesterday we went out for a big fat Sunday lunch and dreamt about our lives in "our house".

I called the estage agent this morning to ask which direction the garden faced, and got an "oooh I haven't got a clue" (very helpful, thanks).

This afternoon I hoped the same lady wouldn't answer the phone, and called back to try and arrange another viewing in the daytime (it was dark when we saw it the first time) - and they've accepted an offer on it BOOHOO!

I've been looking on the net since then, but no where seems to compare - it was perfect. May be a little expensive, but it was ideal.

Prawn has been fine - I watched lots of Discovery Home & Health (lots of births) and been scaring myself! I think I should stay away from those shows, especially when we're eating!

Thursday, November 03, 2005

8 Weeks Pregnant

Today bump celebrates it's 8 weeks of life. Hooray! I know last week I said I was going to post a bump pic each week, but we've been house-sitting and I forgot to pack my camera! So 9 weeks will be the next pic installment. According to babycentre " the eyelid folds are forming, the tip of the nose is present, and the arms now bend at the elbows and curve slightly over the heart." Wow.

It seems I've been getting lazy with my blogging, but I just don't want to end up like a stuck record moaning about how sick I'm feeling! This week has been rough. Still no actual vomit, but I'm feeling closer and closer to that point and I don't like the feeling! I actually feel ok as I'm writing this, so hopefully that will be it for a while *please*!

Jack's been excellent while we've been house-sitting, letting me lie down while he makes us dinner, and making sure I get enough veggies. Every morning when he drops me off he says "love you" then "love you bump".

My jeans are getting tighter, no one's offering me a seat on the trains yet though which is a shame cos I'm sure now is the stage when I'd really appreciate it!

Monday, October 31, 2005

Happy Halloween

I haven't posted a message for a few days because I felt so rough. I went to Holland & Barrett on Friday to get some crystalised ginger, and bought a ginger and choc chip flapjack which I picked at all afternoon and I did feel a lot better.

I felt ok-ish on Saturday, we went to a Halloween party in the evening and I stayed on my bum allllllll night because I started feeling the tiredness.

I also took out my belly bar. There are special ones you can wear through pregnancy which are stretchy, but I don't really think I will be bearing my post-pregnancy belly to many people, so it's come out! Jack's happy because now he can rub our bump without catching himself on anything!

I got a bit worried yesterday because I was experiencing pains which were worse than the period-type pains I had been having before. I asked on the Handbag forums, and apparently they are perfectly normal, and is just the uterus stretching, which made me feel a lot better and made both me and Jack more reassured.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

7 Weeks Pregnant

Wooohoooo today we've reached the 7 week mark, how exciting! But I feel the sickest I have ever felt. Yucksville. I've decided that I will try to add a photo each week to show how my bumps progressing, so to start, here it is this morning, at 7 weeks...

I know I know, it looks quite big for only 7 weeks old... but here's where I must add I didn't exactly have a flat stomach to begin with! It has definitely grown, and before pregnancy, it was 'pinchable', now it's firm and hard!

I didn't go in to work today until 11am, I felt as rough as a dog. We went out to our friends' new house last night and for a bite to eat, it was really nice because it took my mind off feeling sick. She gave us the baby trainers (sooo cute) and 18 babygro's! 6 for newborn-3months, 6 for 3-6 months and 6 for 6-9 months!! They are teeny tiny and it meant Jack couldn't sleep because he got excited all over again!

I woke up and couldn't even stomach my early morning toast, I just had to go back to bed. I didn't feel good all day (I told work that I had been sick in the night and couldn't get myself up just yet), so I told them I still felt sick when I eventually dragged myself in, which was nice because I was treated a little more delicately than usual!

I've ordered a little bump belt off the internet http:// which apparently is recommended to use from 2 months of pregnancy, incase of any jerks in the car, basically the belt pushes into your lap rather than tummy, it also means its more comfy once the bump is more prominent!

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Instant Dinner

Last night all I wanted to do was get in, lay down and not move again! Jack and I had planned to make a lasagne from scratch, but I couldn't be bothered, and now, when I'm hungry, I have to eat NOWWWWW!! So Jack went and bought a pizza and garlic bread and cooked that up... dinner in an instant!

I'm feeling a bit better today thankfully.

I've decided I'm going to tell another one of my friends too... I was going to tell her at the party, but the right moment hadn't come up... and now we've been house sitting in N.London I keep hoping to bump into her on the tube but haven't done so far!

Ooooh I've had a look on for some inspiration... we only have one name we like for a girl and that's it! Can you believe, some people actually would call their child 'Chaviva'!?!?!

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Oh Mum!

My mum's just told me she suffered with morning sickness alllllll the way through her pregnancy with me, and she was in labour for 26 hours. I reeeeealllly hope I don't take after her! I'm still feeling a bit sicky, I hate hate hate it!


Last night was a verrrrrry tearful one. I won't go in to details over what, but I don't think I usually would have been as bad! Jack was very good at comforting me and making sure I stayed relax, for the sake of the little bubba.

The remote control for my tv has been lost, and it won't work without it. I felt really bad going up to bed at 10pm and Jack having to do the same as there is no tele to occupy him! I think I'll have to look for one of those universal ones....

Oh, and I forgot to say in yesterday's entry that I told my Dad, Stepmum and his parents this weekend too and they all were very happy!

Monday, October 24, 2005

Lazy Weekend

The weekend went well... on Friday I went and got some 'Mum To Be' vitamins from Boots, and they most definitely have helped. I have been eating a slice of toast every few hours too, but I have felt so much better since taking them. Lucky I got 90 of them ;)

It was lovely just catching up on sleep and lazing around on Saturday, we watched the X Factor and just got a take away which I was more than happy to do!

Yesterday we went to view our first house in S.E, which was nice, but the bathroom was downstairs which is a bit impractical, so Jack drove us round seeing if we could see anything nice and looked in some estage agents windows... Im hoping this isn't going to take too long!

Jack's been lovely, and when I woke up this morning he'd made me some toast and a glass of O.J so I wouldn't have to move and end up feeling sick.

We're house-sitting this week so it will be nice to be pregnant and alone for a while!

Friday, October 21, 2005

Morning Sickness Cures

Since feeling nauseous, I decided to do a bit of net research, and share with you some of the recommendations I have found to help combat morning sickness from other pregnant ladies (Thanks you Handbag luvvies ;)).

  • Eat little and often
  • Take Boots 'Mum To Be' vitamins
  • Eating ginger biscuits
  • Eating Soft Mints / something minty
  • Eating dry water biscuits
  • Sweet sugary tea before getting out of bed or within 10 mins of getting out of bed
  • Eat within 10 minutes of waking
  • Keep dry crackers next to bed so you can eat before moving
  • Sniffing lemons
  • Set alarm for every 3 hours throughout the night to eat a dry biscuit (helps not having an empty stomach upon waking)
  • Eating a few Sugar Puffs 15 mins before getting out of bed
  • Anti-sickness hypnosis tape
  • Sleep
  • Wear Sea Bands
  • Hot water with a slice of lemon first thing in the morning
  • Suck on boiled sweets
  • Eat dry / slightly buttered toast first thing in the morning whether you fancy it or not
  • Suck on crystalised ginger (put in sandwich if it's too strong)
  • Get some Magnesium Tralanate from the doctor
  • Drink lemon & ginger tea

So, these are what I'm going to try now!


Ergh, I've started feeling the nausea more now, and it's horrid. I've had to take the seabands off when I'm at work, otherwise people will start to twig! I went out for lunch with clients for a massive lunch, and I did feel better once I'd eaten, but sick from the amount of food I'd eaten!

My Mum had to go to Hennes to get some clothes for my sister, so I had a peek at the baby clothes, and they had little Ramones and Motorhead t-shirts, they were so sweet, but I really need to hold off buying things for a while, well at least until after our first scan.

Mum also said once we have our place, she's going to re-do my room, put a cot in there and whenever we want to stay we can, and on the weekends she can look after bubba while we go out if we want to, which is nice as if we're moving to SE, I will need a chance to see my friends from N London too!

When Jack picked me up we went and bought some Ginger Biscuits because ginger's meant to help the sickness, and I bought a box of Roses because I like having something a little bit sweet in the evenings, and I thought one tiny choc won't do too much (after all I am allowed an extra 200 calories a day!!).

We had a chat with his Mum and Sister, and spoke about names... we can't think of any for a boy yet! I think a baby name book will have to go on our xmas list!

Thursday, October 20, 2005

6 Weeks Pregnant

Yesterday, the stuff I'd ordered to help prevent and fade stretch marks arrived (Bio Oil)... I want to start my routine of applying every day as early as possible to try and combat the feckers!!

I was tired again yesterday, but not as thirsty, and still feeling very emotional... something silly was said at work and I just wanted to run off and have a little cry!

One of the friend's I'd told got very excited with me over email today which was nice. She told me she's already bought me baby stuff! Some Adidas trainers and some babygro's! She's such a cutie, and it made me want to look at cutesy baby stuff online too!

I tried calling my Nan in the morning and in the evening to tell her the news. I'd really wanted to tell her in person but I just wasn't sure when I'd next see her. I kept getting her voicemail, so while I was waiting for my train this morning, I gave her a call, and said "there's something I wanted to tell you in person but because I don't know when I'll see you next, I've rung to say that you're going to be a Great Grandma!" she was very pleased, congratulative and excited!

Now I have to tell my Dad and his parents. They're going to be the hardest for me, I really don't know why... I couldn't even be the one to tell my mum for God's sake! I'm such a wimp!

Today has started well, but I started heaving when I was brushing my teeth, so the seabands went straight on. I'm just keeping my fingers crossed I don't get sick!

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Emotional Wreck

The early night really did me well yesterday - I wasn't really tired at all throughout the day and it meant I could actually get on with some work!

When Jack picked me up he told me his cousin is also pregnant, with her 2nd child, so we would be off at the same time, which is nice!

Last night was my first emotional night - I cried and cried and cried over something that doesn't really matter, but it did to me at that point! Jack was so good and made me think logically and made me feel a lot better. I just hope I'm not like that every day!

I woke up this morning with a sore back but fine. 6 weeks pregnant tomorrow, can't believe it!

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

How Dryyyyyyy

Last night we went back to Jacks, and it was the first time we'd seen his parents and sister since we told them The News... so it was really nice being asked 1000 questions (it makes me more excited when I talk about it!) and his Mum had even cooked me a seperate dinner incase I couldn't have the curry she'd done, bless her! I had the curry in the end... nothing wrong with spicy food.

Haha, on that subject, when I was telling Jack what foods I couldnt have... soft cheese, raw fish... I'd said "and definitely not mushrooms" (only because I can't stand them!), and last night he told his mum that I couldn't have them! What a sweetie, I couldn't stop laughing!

By 9pm I was ready for bed... we went up and spoke about where we're going to live now and about the future, then by 10 I was sound asleep! I do feel a lot better today for it, I have to say.

I had no other symptoms apart from noticing how dry I am! I must have had 9 pints of water yesterday, and was still gasping! Also my lips need lip balm on them every half an hour.

I felt so sick this morning on the train, it was packed and I didn't get a seat. Luckily I'm wearing a long sleeved top so I just put on my seabands and they seem to have helped.

Monday, October 17, 2005

Due Date Given

I have my first crack on my nipple which is unpleasant, however, I had my first doctors appointment which was very exciting!

I have been given an estimated due date of 15th June 2006 which is great - Jack's birthday and our anniversary. We've had some nice chats about how we must have conceived around the same time his parents did with him (yum)!

The Doctor was very nice, I'm glad I had him... he asked me which hospital I wanted to have the baby in and gave me the forms for my Medical Exemption so I get my prescriptions and dental work for free (damn, I should have held out for my dentist check up!) He told me a midwife would contact me at 10 weeks to do blood tests etc, and that might either be at home, or at the surgery. Then 12 weeks we'll have our first scan (sooooooo looking forward to that!) He also prescribed me some Folic Acid and asked me if I had any questions, at which point my brain froze and said no! As soon as I walked out of the surgery I thought of loads of things I'd meant to ask!

Sunday, October 16, 2005

The Night Of Truth

Well, last night was The Engagement Party aka The Night of Truth! It went very very well - such an amazing turnout and we both had a really nice night, couldn't have asked for anything better! My feet ached from the minute we got in there, and now I have a bladder the size of a 50p piece, I was not amused that the ladies loos were all the way downstairs!!

It was very hard trying to share your time with everyone that had come to the party, lots of standing up, smiling, showing the ring and telling the same story over and over again, not that Im complaining, but I dont think I realised how being hostess to such a big crowd is actually quite challenging work!

My Mum and Jacks friend Mark ganged up to organise a bit of silence then threw Jack into the spotlight of doing a speech in which he thanked everyone for coming and for the presents and to say thanks to me for saying yes. It was very sweet!

By about 10 o'clock we both realised we had just been enjoying the party and still had to tell the parents our exciting news. We figured it would actually be quite hard getting four of them together as they were all in different areas of the bar, so we decided to get my Mum and Stepdad together first. We took them into another room we had, which no one was in. I was so nervous I thought I was going to throw up! I told Jack that he had to tell them, and we got in a little huddle. My Mum asked if there was something we had to tell them, and I said we're telling her as my Mum and not as my boss, then Jack announced "we're going to be parents". My Mums immediate recaction was something like "f**king hell!" but in a good way! Obviously because we're still in the middle of trying to buy a house, she's a very practical person and probably had all sorts running through her mind! Also as she is my boss, probably wondering what she's going to do was also going through her head! Anyway, she said she was very pleased, she promised, and I felt like such a weight had been lifted from my shoulders.

We then went off to find Jack's parents, and took them into another room. My Mum came too, and this time Jack said "we wanted to let you know, you're going to be Grandparents!" Jack's Mum asked me if he was lying! Once she realised we were being serious the smiles came along and I looked over to my Mum and she was crying! I went and hugged her and luckily she was smiling whilst crying, not sobbing into her skirt or anything! Everyone seems very pleased and we're very happy because our parents are important to both of us and naturally want their blessing.

We decided that we would both tell our closest friends, and make sure they would keep it a secret. I had four people there that I wanted to tell, Jack had five. Jack told his lot all together, I told mine one by one. They are all very very excited, had a few teary eyes and lots of well wishes. We said not to make the reaction too big because otherwise other people would notice! Another friend of mine (well, a friend of a friend), found out this week she's 6 weeks gone too, so thats nice that I have someone else who's at the same kind of stage to talk to if I need to!

When people were saying congratulations to me I kept thinking "oooh they know", then I had to remind myself we've just got engaged too! So much is going on but it's all very exciting!

We went home and stayed at mine for the night and had champagne (not me!) and cake when we got in and spoke about what had happened and what we were going to do.

It was a very very lovely evening; excellent party and such a relief to have told the people that needed to know and getting a good reaction!

My Mum wants me to find out about maternity pay, and I was just watching the Baby channel on Sky, and there was a lady on there from so that's where I'm off to now!

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Sore Sore Boobs

Nothing much to add but owwwwww boobs are on fire!

Sinking In

I hardly slept at all last night, all I kept thinking about is how to tell our parents, and also, we want our close friends to know, so how do we choose who to tell and how?

We know you're not really meant to say anything until the 3 month mark, but these are my close friends, and touchwood it doesnt, but if anything did happen to me or bubs, I would need them there to support me, so no harm in telling.

I had a look on Amazon today because I wanted to order some kind of book to help me through all my stages and to find out what I can and can't do and or eat. There are sooooo many books, I went to Borders to sneek a peak through some, and had a look at what our baby looks like at the moment, and I think he's (oh my God I'm calling it a "He"!!??!!) about the size of a little prawn at the mo! Awwwww!!

I went out with my Mum after lunch and had a strong urge to tell her, but I decided to wait until we can tell my parents at the same time as Jacks.

Jack's picking up my engagement ring tonight from the jewellers, so now it will fit me, Hooray! I'm really glad that we were engaged before conception, it just feels like we're more of a little family now!

We really need to get a move on with the house front, and also need another car... I don't think the Smart car will be sufficient for three of us!

Friday, October 14, 2005

Pregnancy Test # 2

Tummy was woken to more kisses this morning from Daddy - both of us are on cloud nine, although understandably tired, still buzzing from the news.

When both of us are at work all we want to do is see each other so we can talk about it!

I rang the doctor to book my first appointment, and have one first thing on Monday which will be great as we will find out our due date. According to the website bubba is due on 15th June, which is mine and Jack's anniversary, and also his birthday! Let's see what the doctor has to say first though.

On our way home from work we stopped off at Sainsburys and Jack bought another First Response test for me to do. We just wanted to be sure, and Jack also wanted to see the positive test for himself. As soon as we got back, I did it, and again, straight away the two pink lines came up. Another wave of reassurance came over us and we now know I definitely am pregnant!

We spoke about when we will tell our parents, and decided it will be nice to tell them all at the same time, so hopefully we will be able to nab them at the Engagement Party to tell them they're all going to be Grandparents!

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Big Fat Positive!

I woke up this morning with still no sign of my period. I had had all the symptoms of it coming since Saturday - such bad pains in my stomach and inside legs, but no show which baffled me. We decided last night that I should do a test this morning if there was still nothing, as I was now 4 days late.

I stayed at home because I had the dentist, waited until I heard everyone else was downstairs, then crept to the loo armed with my First Response. 2 lines = pregnant, 1 line = not pregnant. It said on the box to wait for 3 minutes, but as soon as I'd weed on the stick, the two lines were shining bright at me! I was shaking so much, and found myself saying "Oh My God" out loud to myself! I still wasn't sure if I was imagining it so I had to take a picture so I could convince myself later on in the day when I'd start questioning what I'd seen.

I'd decided I didn't want to tell Jack over the phone - I thought it would be more special in person, but I knew keeping it to myself would be agonising! On the way to work I thought about how I would tell him and his reaction, and kept finding myself rubbing my tummy.

I went into Baby Gap and bought a pair of new-born socks. Stage One of my plan!

The day had never gone slower... it dragged and dragged. Jack had said to me the night before that he might go out to watch the football, so I was praying he'd decided against it so I could tell him our news! He picked me up from the station and in the car I told him I'd bought him a present which of course, he wanted to see there and then. I said he'd have to wait until we got home, and once we were in the bedroom, out came the socks!

His face was blank at first, he was just looking at them, then smiled and said to me "are you pregnant?" I nodded, and he smiled again, looked at the socks and asked me "really?", I nodded again and he said he wanted to do a dance! We had a little hug and the belly had lots of kisses, it was lovely!

We had dinner with his Mum and Sister, it was so hard because all we wanted to do is talk about it, but we couldn't... we just kept giving each other secret grins.

We went to bed and chatted about it some more. Jack was being very sweet, tucking me into bed, talking to my tummy, and telling me to be careful when I was lying on my front.

I think because I don't have a big bump right now, and I'm not throwing up (I dont want that as a symtom either thanks!), it doesn't feel real! We went to sleep happy and smiley, but I don't think either of us got much sleep what with everything whizzing through our heads.